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Click on Dances Links below to the
corresponding Page / Step Sheet.
Most Dances - if not all - also have at least one demo video link on the step sheet.
Coming soon will be the listings of Songs and their corresponding Dance Titles
corresponding Page / Step Sheet.
Most Dances - if not all - also have at least one demo video link on the step sheet.
Coming soon will be the listings of Songs and their corresponding Dance Titles
SONG TITLES - ARTISTS - To locate a dance by song title, see section on top of these pages above or link here
A Few Dollars More EZ - Co-Choreo w/ Charlotte 32 / 4 / High Beginner to the song by Chris Norman "For a Few Dollars More"
< > < >
< > < >
Already Calling You Mine Count: 48 Wall: 4 Level: Improver - Dance is for the song "Already Callin' You Mine by Parmalee
<< DEMO >> << TEACH >>
<< DEMO >> << TEACH >>
Animals - Count: 48 Wall: 1 Level: Phrased Improver... Dance is for the song Animals by Maroon 5 > < Animals DEMO >
BABY I'm Gonna - Count: 48 Wall: 4 Level: IMP Dance is for the song Gonna by Blake Shelton < DEMO > < TEACH >
Baby I See You - Count: 56 Wall: 4 Level: High Improver. Dance is for the song I See You by Luke Bryan >
< Baby...DEMO >
< Baby...DEMO >
Bad Girl Phase - Count: 44 Wall: 2 Level: Phrased Improver ... for the song Bad Girl Phase by Sunny Sweeney > < BGP..DEMO >
Baila Mi Rumba_ - Count: 32 Wall: 4 High Improver to the song Baila Mi Rumba by Foncho - co-choreographed by Bobbey Willson and BM Leong (Malaysia) < Demo by Nellie > < Demo by BM Leong's class >
Beat of the Dance - Phrased High Improver... Dance is for the song "I Have to Dance" written and composed by Jorgen Olsen (DK) and performed by the Olsen Brothers on their album "Wings of Love" <Beat...DEMO> <Beat...TEACH (walk-through) > Demos with music are not available in the USA yet - permission has been given by artists, but not the record producer. I am working on it! If you have trouble locating the music, contact me.
Beat of the Dance - IMP Improver Level - see above for description of music <Beat IMP...Dance coming> <Beat IMP...Teach (walk-through) Demos are not available in the USA yet - permission has been given by artists, but not the record producer. I am working on it!
If you have trouble locating the music, contact me.
If you have trouble locating the music, contact me.
Beat of the Dance EZ - Beginner Level. See above for description of music, etc. < Beat EZ-.Demo of Dance coming..> < Beat EZ Teach..> Demos are not available in the USA yet - permission has been given by artists, but not the record producer. I am working on it! If you have trouble locating the music, contact me.
If you need help locating music for some of these, click here --->
let me know which you are having trouble with and I will try to direct you! |
Beer Blood Sweat and Beer - Count: 40 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner Dance is for the song Blood Sweat and Beer by the band called Blackjack Billy > < Beer..DEMO > < GROUP DEMO for Beer Blood Sweat and Beer ... :-) >
I really should have just named it Beer and More Beer :-)
I really should have just named it Beer and More Beer :-)
Blank Space - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner - ...for the song Blank Space by Taylor Swift > < Blank... DEMO >
Brotherly Love - Co-Choreo w/ Charlotte for details check back soon!
Buttercup Rock EZ - High Beginner - to the song Build Me Up Buttercup... < Buttercup DEMO > < Buttercup Group Dance >
Carolina Girls - Count: 32 Wall: 4 High Beginner (easy steps but has a restart) for the song Carolina Girls by General Johnson and The Chairman of the Board... < Carolina... DEMO & Walk Through Only > < Carolina.. Group Demo >
<Carolina... - TEACH demo >
<Carolina... - TEACH demo >
Cashing You In aka Me and Johnny Cash - see listing below Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Improver
Centuries - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner... Dance is for the song Centuries by Fall Out Boy > < Centuries DEMO >
Chattanooga Lucy Unwound Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner / Improver Dance for the song by Eric Church called Chattanooga Lucy < DEMO > < TEACH > < Midnight Rodeo DEMO >
Close Your Eyes for This - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner...for the song Close Your Eyes for This by Parmalee>
< CYE...DEMO >
< CYE...DEMO >
Copperhead Road ( Revisited) - Count: 40 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner... Dance is for the song Copperhead Road by Steve Earle >
Dangerous Data - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Improver... Dance is for the song Dangerous by Big Data. My grandson and daughter introduced me to this song and asked for a dance. After feeling this catchy rhythm I just had to do it. > < DData DEMO >
DENGLISCH aka Give it Back Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner - to the song Denglisch by the "Wise Guys"
DIE a Happy Man Count: 48 Wall: 4 Low Improver Level - to the song of the same name by Thomas Rhett
< DEMO > < TEACH >
< DEMO > < TEACH >
DRUNK in Heels Count: 32, Wall: 4 Improver - really a beginner but it has 2 restarts and a pause... to the song Drunk in Heels by Jennifer Nettles < TEACH > < DEMO - BM Leong > <DEMO - Adeline Cheng >
EASY Winning - Count: 32, Wall: 4 Beginner Co-Ch: Charlotte Steele and "me" to the song You Can Win if You Want by Modern Talking
E Z Girl Crush - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Beginner level NO tags, NO restarts to the song by Little Big Town
< DEMO > < TEACH >
< DEMO > < TEACH >
FISH or KISS Count: 32 Wall: 4 High Beginner Dance is for the song Shut Up and Fish by Maddie and Tae
< DEMO > < TEACH > < DEMO at B.C. >
< DEMO > < TEACH > < DEMO at B.C. >
Florida Cracker Country Boys Count: 30 Wall: 4 < YouTube DEMO > < YouTube TEACH >
Dance is for the song of the same name by Patrick Gibson and the Florida Cracker Country Boys Cheryl's Class Demo (1)
Cheryl's Class DEMO (2) < Composite Video >
Dance is for the song of the same name by Patrick Gibson and the Florida Cracker Country Boys Cheryl's Class Demo (1)
Cheryl's Class DEMO (2) < Composite Video >
For a Few Dollars More - Co-Choreo w/ Charlotte 32 - 4 - High improver to the song by Chris Norman (formerly of the band Smokie)
Gentle on my Mind Count: 36 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner. NO tags or restarts. Dance is for the song Gentle on my Mind by The Band Perry > < DEMO > Group demo for Gentle on my Mind - click here :-)
Girl in a Country Song - Count: 40 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner... Maddie and Tae's song of the same name
< DEMO > See Girl in a Country Song REDUX for improved version :-)
< DEMO > See Girl in a Country Song REDUX for improved version :-)
Girl in a Country Song REDUX <Count: 40 Wall: 4 Level: Improver (better version that above) < DEMO..>
God Bless a Country Girl - Count: 40 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner. NO tags or restarts. Dance is for
the song God Bless a Country Girl by The Lacs. > < .DEMO >
This music needs to be jacked up by 10-12% - if you need help speeding up your BPM just ask me!
the song God Bless a Country Girl by The Lacs. > < .DEMO >
This music needs to be jacked up by 10-12% - if you need help speeding up your BPM just ask me!
Gonna Know We Were Here- Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner. Dance is for the song Gonna Know We Were
Here by Jason Aldean. > < DEMO >
Here by Jason Aldean. > < DEMO >
Gust of Wind - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner NO tags or restarts. Dance is for the song Gust of Wind by
Gypsies Tramps and Thieves_ - Count: 53 Level: Phrased Improver to the song by Cher and also the great Cover of
Cher's song by Sarah Collins This was choreographed as a performance piece for a program in Palm Coast - great event!
< DEMO facing "audience > < TEACH Demo - Practice facing away from camera and Walk-through >
< Performance Link HERE >
Cher's song by Sarah Collins This was choreographed as a performance piece for a program in Palm Coast - great event!
< DEMO facing "audience > < TEACH Demo - Practice facing away from camera and Walk-through >
< Performance Link HERE >
I Just Point at You - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Improver Dance is for the song Point at You by Justin Moore> < DEMO >
I'll Meet You at Midnight - Count: "44/72" Wall: 4 Level: Phrased Improver co-choreo w/ Grace David
< DEMO > < TEACH >
< DEMO > < TEACH >
I'm to Blame - Count: 32, Wall: 4, Level: Beginner Dance is for the song "I'm to Blame" by Kip Moore < Teach& Demo >
It's On Tonight !! :-) Count: 48 Wall: 4 Level: Improver to the song (same name) by Gloriana - I really really like this
one! < DEMO > < Walk-though >
one! < DEMO > < Walk-though >
I've Got Jack - Count: 32, Wall: 4, Level: Beginner Dance is for the song by Alan Jackson "Jim and Jack and Hank"
< TEACH & DEMO > < "Group" Demo >
< TEACH & DEMO > < "Group" Demo >
John 3:16 ( or One Way Home ) Count: 32 Wall: 4 to the song by Keith Urban: John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
< DEMO - >
< DEMO - >
Just One Look - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Beginner dance to the song by Doris Troy. You can also use the
version by Linda Ronstadt
< ..TEACH & Demo on YouTube >
< .Demo & Teach by LINE DANCE DALLAS !! >
< . Demo & Teach by ALL THAT LINE DANCE - Eun Mi Lim >
<...Demo & Teach by Regina Cheung's Group >
< . Demo by Hsiaolin Yu >
version by Linda Ronstadt
< ..TEACH & Demo on YouTube >
< .Demo & Teach by LINE DANCE DALLAS !! >
< . Demo & Teach by ALL THAT LINE DANCE - Eun Mi Lim >
<...Demo & Teach by Regina Cheung's Group >
< . Demo by Hsiaolin Yu >
Just Say You Love Me - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Low Improver to the song by Klaus Hallen Say You Love Me
Just You and Me - Count: 36 Wall: 4 "High Beginner" dance to the song by Darius Rucker - You, Me and My Guitar
< DEMO >
< DEMO >
Later On - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner - for the song Later On by The Swon Brothers
< DEMO >
< DEMO >
LIKE It or Not Count: 64 Wall: 4 High Improver Level - to the Madonna song of the same name < DEMO > < TEACH >
This dance is a TEAM effort. Co-Choreographed by me-Bobbey Willson ( USA ) and Charlotte Steele ( South Africa ) -
my online long distance wonderful lady friend :-)
This dance is a TEAM effort. Co-Choreographed by me-Bobbey Willson ( USA ) and Charlotte Steele ( South Africa ) -
my online long distance wonderful lady friend :-)
Losing it EZ: Count: 20 Wall: 4 to the song "Lose My Mind" by Brett Eldredge.
< DEMO > < "Group" demo of Losing it EZ >
< DEMO > < "Group" demo of Losing it EZ >
Make Me Wanna - Count: 32 Wall; 4 Level: Improver NO tags or restarts. Dance is for the song Make Me Wanna by Thomas Rhett > < .DEMO > < >
ME and Johnny Cash Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: IMP Dance is for the song Me and Johnny Cash by Rainey Qualley
< DEMO > < TEACH > This dance is a TEAM effort. Co-Choreographed by me-Bobbey Willson ( USA ) and Charlotte Steele ( South Africa ) - my online long distance wonderful lady friend :-) < DEMO by Cheryl's class :-) >
< DEMO > < TEACH > This dance is a TEAM effort. Co-Choreographed by me-Bobbey Willson ( USA ) and Charlotte Steele ( South Africa ) - my online long distance wonderful lady friend :-) < DEMO by Cheryl's class :-) >
MOJITO Lite Count: 48 Wall: 4 Level: Low Improver < TEACH video >
My Tennessee Whiskey Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner dance is Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton
< > < >
< > < >
Nada Es Demasiado - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Improver To the dance Nada Es Demasiado by the band Mojito Lite
Night That You'll Never Forget - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner. Dance is for the song Night That You'll Never Forget by Love and Theft - This is the song that says in it: "to the left, to the left, to the left...right" >
< DEMO >
< DEMO >
NOBODY to Blame But Me Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Improver - to the Christoper Stapleton song of the same name < DEMO > < TEACH >
ONLY YOU (and You Alone) - Count: 64 Wall: 4 High Beginner To the Song sung by / in the style of Ringo Starr (as a solo)
< DEMO > < TEACH >
< DEMO > < TEACH >
Rebel AB Road - Count: 32 Wall: 1 (option for 4 wall) Dance is for the song Rebel Road by Big Smo
Rebel on the Road - Count: 32 Wall: 4 NO tags, NO restarts. Dance is for the song Rebel Road by Big Smo n
< TEACH > Cannot include music under copyright infringement (at this time) Open this Demo and also the youtube music for the dance - then you can sync them and see how it looks when danced to music! < Rebel Road official music video on YouTube > < Rebel Road DEMO awaiting your sync..>
< TEACH > Cannot include music under copyright infringement (at this time) Open this Demo and also the youtube music for the dance - then you can sync them and see how it looks when danced to music! < Rebel Road official music video on YouTube > < Rebel Road DEMO awaiting your sync..>
RUMBA BABY - Count: 32, Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner to the song by Trini Lopex "Besame Mucho" from The Latin Album < DEMO > < TEACH >
Scandalous Shuffle - Count: 52 Wall: 4 Level: Phrased Improver for the song "Escandalo" by La Sonora Dinamita. Can readily be used as a performance dance with its sister dance - 0 wall - Scandalous Train (see below) > < dance only > This dance was written as an answer to a challenge from S.M. after a dominoes game of Mexican Train..... thank you SM!!
Scandalous Shuffle EZ - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level:High Beginner Scandalous Shuffle EZ...Dance only...>... Thank you Susie! This dance was written as an answer to a challenge from S.M. after a dominoes game of Mexican Train..... thank you SM!!
Scandalous Train -Count: 52 Wall 0/1 (circle dance) Phrased Improver for the song "Escandalo" by La Sonora Dinamita. Can readily be used as a performance dance with its sister dance - 4 wall - Scandalous Shuffle (see above) > This dance was written as an answer to a challenge from S.M. after a dominoes game of Mexican Train..... thank you SM!!
Shut Up and Dance! Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner Dance is for the song Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon > < DEMO > < If your location/country has the demo blocked - this "Teach" is available w/o music -
Shut...demo no music..>.
Shut...demo no music..>.
Somewhere That You Don't Go - Count: 44 Wall: 4 to the song (same name) by Adam Sanders - requested by and dedicated to Jenny! < DEMO > < Walk-through >
Stop and Drink Count: 32 Level: Beginner - Dance is for the George Strait song "Stop & Drink"
<< DEMO >> << TEACH >>
<< DEMO >> << TEACH >>
Sugar Pie Honey Bunch - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Beginner - this dance is just plain FUN! Dance is fore the song ""I Can't Help Myself" by The Four Tops > < < DEMO > < Teach & Demo >
Group demo for Sugar Pie Honey Bunch (Ladies from Korea) - click here :-) Demo w/ Mary and I click here :-)
This is Where it All Begins Count: 40, Wall: 4, NO tags, NO restarts. This dance is for the song Where it All Begins by Hunter Hayes featuring Lady Antebellum. This dance is Co-Choreographed by Bobbey Willson and Alexis Strong - a really pretty dance! < DEMO > < TEACH >
Top of the World - Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Improver Dance for the song by Tim McGraw
<< DEMO >> << TEACH >>
<< DEMO >> << TEACH >>
Trouble - >Count: 28 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner / Improver NO tags or restarts. Dance is for the song
Trouble by Gloriana < DEMO >
Trouble by Gloriana < DEMO >
TURN My Ship Around : Count: 40 Wall: 4 Level: Improver This dance is for the awesome song by Jeremy Buck "Turn My Ship Around" << DEMO >> << TEACH >>
WE WENT ROCKING: Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Improver This dance is for the song We Went by Randy Houser
< DEMO > < TEACH > < Cheryl's Line Dance Class DEMO >
< DEMO > < TEACH > < Cheryl's Line Dance Class DEMO >
Where It's At - Count: 40 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner. Dance is for the song Where It's At by Dustin Lynch
<DEMO > NO tags, NO restarts
<DEMO > NO tags, NO restarts
Yesterday Once More (Adaptation) Count: 64 Wall: 4 (opt 2) Level: Low Improver This dance is an adaptation of the dance(s) posted as choreography from Totoy Pinoy and Sol Flores. I have used S2, S3, S4 from Pinoys, S1 from Flores - added a new S5 and an 8 count tag to make the dance flow more smoothly to the music of this Filipino Reggae remake Cover of the Carpenter's song Yesterday Once More... < DEMO - > < TEACH > < class demo 03/01/16) > < see multiple group demos >
You Never Know - Count: 28 Wall: 4 CONTRA or 2 wall or 4 wall option Improver - NO tags, NO restarts. Dance is for the song You Never Know by Alan Jackson < DEMO > < DEMO w/ Mary >